Thursday, April 5, 2012

An "Eggs"ellent Math Unit!!!

An "Eggs"ellent Math Unit!!!

Here you will find dozens of math ideas. I am working with the Easter Bunny and he is "making deliveries" every day. Please check back frequently to see the new "developments"!


Sort It Out

You will need the following materials:

Easter candy graph (I like to use the large floor graph) feely box chart paper for recording results


  1. Take half of your candy and put it inside the feely box. Take the other half and keep it out of sight.
  2. Have the children sit in a circle on the floor.
  3. The first child reaches in the feely box and takes out a piece of candy. Ask everyone to give describing words for the piece of candy that was drawn.
  4. Ask what they think the next piece drawn will be.
  5. The next child in the circle pulls out a piece of candy and, once again, everyone describes it.
  6. Continue until everyone has had a turn drawing a piece of candy from the feely box.
  7. After all children have had a turn, look at all the candies laid out in the middle of the circle. Let children generate ideas of ways to sort the candies.
  8. Try some of the sorting ideas that were generated.
  9. After several ways of sorting, choose one of the sorting ideas and lay the candies down on the floor graph with headers. For example, if the children decided to sort by types of wrappers, the headers could be: shiny wrappers, not shiny wrappers, no wrappers).
  10. Discuss the graph and record the results. Some good questions would be as follows: "Which group has the most? the least? Is there anything that is the same? How many pieces of candy without wrappers? with shiny wrappers? not shiny wrappers? etc.
  11. The next day, pull out the other half of the candy you had saved. Show the children the candy and let them make predictions based on information from the previous day.
  12. Record the predictions on chart paper or the board.
  13. Graph and compare the two graphs.


    Easter Candy Estimation

    You will need the following:

    bag of Easter candies clear plastic container for the candies chart paper or chalkboard


    1. Have the children look at the candy in the container and make an estimate of how many pieces. Record the estimates.
    2. Count the pieces and discuss the results!


      Egg Size

      You will need the following materials:

      One sheet of grid paper for each child (I suggest larger squares for younger children) 6 real-sized construction paper eggs


      1. Have each child look at the construction paper egg and estimate how many squares will be covered when it is laid on the grid. Put their guess on the bottom of the grid.
      2. Let the children trace their construction paper egg onto the grid and then color it. Children should use soft colors so they may still still the boxes on the grid.
      3. Children count the squares that the egg covered and record that number under their estimate.

      A note to the teacher: Before doing this activity, you should decide if full squares only will be counted, or if all squares covered will be counted.



      Egg Weight

      You will need the following materials:

      Balancing scale unifix cubes,crayons,tiles, or anything else you desire to use for balancing How many will balance my egg? worksheet hard boiled egg for each group of students


      1. Put the children into groups of four.
      2. Pass out the estimation sheet to each child. Have them estimate how many of each of the objects it will take to balance the egg.
      3. Color the number of squares in each column.
      4. Pass out another sheet for their actual count. Color the number of squares it took to balance the egg.
      5. Cut out the squares of estimates and actual amounts and glue the two next to each other on a large piece of construction paper.
      6. Discuss the results.


        How do you like your eggs?You will need the following materials:

        large floor graph Header cards for the large floor graph (can use 3X5 index cards) individual graphs for each child egg shapes cut from construction paper (one for each child)


        1. Discuss with the class different ways that eggs can be prepared.
        2. Use the index cards to make a header card for each category.
        3. Hand each child a construction paper egg and let them put their name on it. (They can decorate it as well, if time allows.)
        4. Get the children seated in front of the floor graph with headers and let each child place their egg under the category they like best.
        5. When each child is finished, interpret graph.
        6. Give each child a paper of the graph and let them color in the proper number of squares for each header.
        7. Prepare some eggs whichever way was the favorite and enjoy!!
        8. Note to teacher: The individual graphs should be made ahead of time. Here are some examples of categories your children may use: scrambled, boiled, egg salad, fried, deviled, etc.




            Egg Symmetry-
            1. Make a large egg pattern for each child. Have the student fold it in half.
            2. The child will make a design on one half and give it to another child to unfold and try to copy it on that half.

            Easter Egg Dye and Sort- Dye Easter eggs letting the children choose how to dye their eggs. See how many different ways the eggs can be sorted when dry. Graph the results.

            Easter Egg Numeral Recognition- Get a bag of plastic eggs (any size) and put a numeral on each one. Have jelly beans available and let the children put the number of jellybeans inside of each egg that matches the numeral. For older children, you may want to put addition problems on the outside in place of the numerals.

            Better By the Dozen- Take an egg carton and write numerals on the bottom of each space. Take plastic eggs and write the number word on it. Children take turns matching the eggs to the correct space.

            Egg-carton Graphing- Make a graph using several egg cartons. Cut the tops off and tape the short ends together. Mount on the wall. Now you are ready to work with the children. Read "Animals Born Alive and Well" and "Chickens Aren't the Only Ones!" by Ruth Heller. Divide the class into two teams: oviparous and viviparous. Give each team a supply of construction paper squares (1 1/2" X 1 1/2"). Have the team members work together to think of animals for their category. Write the animal names on their paper squares and tape them to the egg carton sections on the graph. When each team is finished, interpret the results.