1. One of the most effective ways to motivate your teen is to communicate that you respect them. Respect is important to teens. Tell them you understand that they don't want to be treated like children; they want to be treated like young adults. But on the flip side, they must behave like young adults to earn the respect they desire. Teens hate it when adults treat them like children. They hate it when you act like their opinion doesn't matter and you act like since you're the boss, their input is not important.
2. Choose your battles carefully. Be willing to compromise on clothes, hair, music, and friends (within reason, of course).
3. Tell them if they want you out of their "business," then they need to take care of their business.
4. Show interest in the things they're interested in, even if you're not. Ask them about the latest music group or celebrity they're into. Don't express judgmental opinions; rather, ask questions that perhaps lead them to think about the culture they are immersed in.
5. Get them involved in a dynamic church youth group or charity. Teens these days need a dose of reality that they experience little of on TV or in movies. When they help change the quality of somebody's life, they find more contentment in their own.
6. Sit and talk to them without any prejudices, opinionated comments, or negative body language.
7. Educate yourself about the things they're interested in. They'll appreciate your interest.